Chatham Revisited
I recently convened with my family in Chatham, MA. for my brothers' celebration of life. It was wonderful being together again although the circumstances were bittersweet. At the gathering with my family, one thing I really enjoyed was watching the children go outside and explore, playing freely away from their electronic devices, appreciating nature.
I was sad to see that many of the antique shops had been replaced by the current trend, which I learned from chatting with a shop owner is now women's clothing.
The feeling of Chatham and the nature of the place had remained untouched. It was still quaint, charming and real. There is still a great sense of community that tugs at my heart.
Because of my background in architecture and interior design I can't help but take too many photos of the houses I love. The only thing that could have been better would to have been invited inside! I hope you will enjoy them too.

Chatham is a very tempting place to think about... In fact, if I were to move somewhere in the United States it may just be there. Afterall they need antique shops right?!